3dxchat radio
3dxchat radio

3dxchat radio

Added Timestamps setting for chat messages. Can no longer make your partners cum with Shift+B If you like what I do and would like to support me, you can always subscribe to 3DXChat through my link :)  Much appreciated <3 Place it into Winamp\Plugins, open Winamp > Options > Preferences, under Plug-Ins select "General Purpose" and double click on the "Currently Playing To Textfile." Create and select "nowplaying.txt" in the "Documents\3DXChat folder and you should be good to go. I'm using a Winamp plugin that updates a simple txt file with current playing song. New Now Playing script grabs info from "Documents\3DXChat\nowplaying.txt" and only there.

3dxchat radio

Replaced the broken room closing alert with a simple message x) And I've still got stuck in the loading screen afterwards so I guess this didn't help :( (You can still remove loading screen pressing F7 though.) "Left Shift+Space" toggles on and off the extra gear for rabbit fucking in the sex speed slider. Sex speed slider from min 0.1 - max 1 to min -1.5 - max 1.5 You can now completely stop the action or reverse the animation Shift+F pauses and plays animation rather than just simply freezing it. PageUP cums, PageDOWN moans no matter conditions. Put them back on from settings (F1) top left corner.

3dxchat radio

Removed clothes restrictions in sex poses! "Slider does it around slider position" Click on "Off" to have static animation again. Sex Speed Control randomizes the animation speed slightly. To set you off of "bot mode" you need to press F4, after which your ghost partner will no longer auto accept poses but it fixes other players joining into the room x) F2 adds a fake female partner, F3 adds a fake male partner. Added a lil clothes control box for Virtual Partners Shift+B works for "Bot Cumshot" as well. Opening a Color Palette brings up Opacity Slider. Added a simple SET/GET RGB Color Picker after opening the Color Palette. Shoes color 2 works but only people with my dll will see them colored. Holding down Left-Alt stops automatic chat scrolling. Annoying chat bug caused by Hide UI fixed Web link opening by holding down Left CTRL while copying. Chat deletes messages after 50 instead of 20. FreeFly now has a simple MouseWheel zoom in/out function (Set "Step Size" in options to get it working) Character Editor allows smoother and closer zoom Shift+X toggles name plates on and off. Ctrl slows down FreeFly(F5) SPACE in Home Editor Always rember you might have the game installed in multiple places without realizing. the "Starts in" field, in "Shortcut" tab shows the path. You can check where your game is installed by right clicking the game icon in taskbar, then right clicking on 3DXChat.exe and selecting properties. Make sure the new file is called Assembly-UnityScript.dll


Download the dll file from bottom of this post and place it into the folderĤ. Backup Assembly-UnityScript.dll (Rename it)ģ. Go to 3DXChat\3DXChat_Data\Managed (Located where you've installed the game.

3dxchat radio